because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Month: April 2022

Poems for an Easter Weekend

Reading Time: 2 minutes

easter weekend


With its teeth, iron tears and plugs

Wrists that held; healed.

It stills the soles painted with read more

2 (Non-Gift) Gifts to Give Your Kids this Month

Reading Time: 4 minutes

gifts to give your kids

In a couple of weeks, my youngest turns 13. Which means I will soon be parenting four teenagers. Which means my prayer life is thriving.

As some parents of tweens chatted with my husband and me last week, I recalled some of the best advice given to us for parenting teens: Keep them talking. Keep the relational bridge open.

It’s great advice for all of parenting, right? But at times with each of my kids, that’s required supreme effort. read more

Why Your Marriage Needs Sex (& other recent articles)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

needs sex

When my four kids were little and life resembled a 24-hour Bounty commercial, I read a statistic in Parents magazine that something like 78% of new moms, when choosing between sex and sleep, chose sleep.

Um. Duh. read more


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