because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: faith (page 1 of 8)

When Your Child is Deconstructing Faith

Reading Time: 6 minutes

child deconstructing faith

My daughter was highlighting my hair (yes, from a box. Yes, to cover the gray that’s laying siege to my scalp) when she told me about a friend who’s not sure if she identifies herself as a Christian anymore.

As when I hear about anyone who’s deconstructing faith, my chest tightened at the sternum. It’s painful for the person, and it’s painful for those who love them. read more

Suffering: “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four years ago, my husband and I squinted through snow flurries as we wound our way to Denver.

We were driving my 13-year-old to an MRI screening for cancer.

Lymphoma is a primary consideration, the radiologist had said, goading us toward the test that day. read more

“I Don’t Feel Close to God” (with PRINTABLE VERSES)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I don't feel close to God

My friend’s alienation crackled through the phone line. “I don’t know. I keep doing all the right things. But a lot of times I don’t feel close to God, you know?”

My friend described time in Scripture and prayer, their attempts to live in ways that pleased God. Yeah, I definitely believe there are things we can do to move closer to God. I also know what it’s like to feel like God is endlessly, silently away from you. read more

Code Adam: When you’re waiting for someone to come back to Jesus

Reading Time: 4 minutes

He must have been two when it happened: back when his cheeks still looked like he was storing up nuts for winter. (Now, at 16, he just eats like he’s storing up for winter.)

The store’s fluorescent lights buzzed above, and the air conditioning was running full-blast there in the South. read more

“Is This Really Where I’m Supposed to Be?”

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Something beautiful happened in my family last weekend.

This is me, in San Diego, with my husband–and my oldest son, who has your back. He is one of the United States’ newest marines. read more

What You Absolutely Cannot Do as a Parent

Reading Time: 4 minutes


When my kids were younger, I tried my hand at writing a children’s book.

It was the story of a boy in a small town whose grandpa had a magical house: The House of Broken and Beautiful. His grandpa was beloved, though some who didn’t know him suspected him of evil. read more

Questions to Take Your Relationship With God Deeper

Reading Time: 2 minutes

relationship with God

This week on a phone conversation with a friend, she asked what’s become our custom at the end of our calls: What’s one intimate prayer request I can pray for?

It was probably telling that I didn’t really know. read more

Muscle for Your Kids’ Miracles (…or Your Own)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I would say I have been praying for a miracle in one (or more) of my kids for a year now.

But, y’know, it’s probably one of those things where you think, spring feels like a small miracle sometimes. My kids hanging up their towels sometimes feels like a series of miracles. And hey, let’s not forget the miracles God’s doing in me (to the tune of, Wow, when that kid flipped his lid, I didn’t flip mine. Miracle.) read more

Struggling with Faith? You’re in Good Company.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

struggling with faith

It was a conversation in my cubicle more than a decade ago, but my friend’s words remain seared in my mind: “You know, I think God loves strugglers.”

You know? I see it. read more

On questions God doesn’t answer

Reading Time: 5 minutes

As an author and voracious devourer of fiction, I consistently get a kick out of the comedy Stranger than Fiction (2006), with Will Farrell and Emma Thompson.

Will Farrell’s character, IRS agent Harold Crick, begins to hear a narrator’s voice over his life–a narrator who has power to determine his circumstances. And who indicates he’s going to die.

Harold seeks a literature professor’s advice (Dustin Hoffman), who suggests he start to find his author by determining whether he’s in a comedy or a tragedy. read more

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