because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: prayer (page 1 of 5)

Printable Prayer: For Discomfort, Anger, & Foolishness (Freebie)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This week has dabbled in the frenetic at my house. Uh. More than usual.

Rather than writing you a half-baked post, I’m pulling from the archives some chalkboard art of a printable prayer–an artistic version of this challenging Franciscan benediction:

Grab this printable prayer here.

Free printable prayer chalkboard art God discomfort anger foolishness Franciscan blessing read more

Spiritual Health When You’re Busy: 7 Easy Ways

Reading Time: 4 minutes

spiritual health

Let’s get real. You may be even a little too busy to read this post.

Or maybe you’re tired of picking up things with a lot of pieces. Or trying to find the owner of the toenail clipping on the table. (These have all been me.) read more

Questions to Take Your Relationship With God Deeper

Reading Time: 2 minutes

relationship with God

This week on a phone conversation with a friend, she asked what’s become our custom at the end of our calls: What’s one intimate prayer request I can pray for?

It was probably telling that I didn’t really know. read more

Another Pile of Dishes–and Joy in the Mundane

Reading Time: 6 minutes

For those who know me well…it’s a little eerie.

Since the beginning of the year here at Casa de la Breitenstein, I’ve been heading up my own ambitious, highly uncharacteristic Project Ducks in a Row. read more

Muscle for Your Kids’ Miracles (…or Your Own)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I would say I have been praying for a miracle in one (or more) of my kids for a year now.

But, y’know, it’s probably one of those things where you think, spring feels like a small miracle sometimes. My kids hanging up their towels sometimes feels like a series of miracles. And hey, let’s not forget the miracles God’s doing in me (to the tune of, Wow, when that kid flipped his lid, I didn’t flip mine. Miracle.) read more

Where’s God Working in My Kids in 2022? 10 Questions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

kids in 2022

Okay, yes, I am this big Enneagram 2, and I am frequently caught “two-ing” in my family—overfunctioning like a crazy person, sublimating any needs of my own, etc.

But I also have this monstrous, flapping-larger-than-my-triceps 3-wing. Which means, for all of you unfamiliar with enneagram-speak, that I am an achiever.  Goal-setting can fill my sails (…to the point of what we’ll call “Christian workaholism”). read more

2021 Best Posts of the Year!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

But for the last few days, I’d been sifting through a few emotions about 2022. A new year comes with some gravity–especially after a tough 2021 for my family.

Recently I completed a yearly prayer of Examen–my second year of a new personal tradition. Like the Israelites standing at the Jordan and choosing stones of remembrance (Joshua 4), I’m looking back at how I’ve seen God writing His story in and around me. And how his presence has met me there. read more

Your Kids’ Morning Routine: 4 Easy Ways to Add Some Jesus

Reading Time: 3 minutes

morning routine

So I don’t know what your kids’ morning routine is like at your house.

Maybe you picture me lovingly folding lunchbox notes and sandwiches built from the sprouts on my windowsill, sitting down to a full breakfast with devotional book in hand. read more

Prayer Tools for Families: FREE Printables

Reading Time: 4 minutes

So guess what I got in the mail this week?

It’s real, folks. After a long…long path here, Permanent Markers releases October 5. (Grab the first chapter free via the right-hand sidebar of my blog, if you’re game.) read more

Back to School Prayers for Kids, Teachers, & Admin (PRINTABLE!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

12 ways to pray teachers

Though inevitably there’s so much excitement as everyone heads back to school, teachers and administrators I know are already strapping in for another hard year. We want, need, to pray for these key influencers in my kids’ lives.  I’ve seen teachers and admin–and the prayers for them–make a tangible difference. But they’re not the only ones navigating tough waters. How can we pray for our kids? (Aside from what’s below, check out this printable–a prayer from Scripture for each day of the month–and this word cloud, which can give you a lot of ideas when you don’t know how to pray). I’m hoping these back to school prayers are a great way to kick off loving on the teachers, administrators, and kids in our lives and cheering them on throughout the year. Please feel free to share or use in your small group or church if you find this useful.

12 Prayers for teachers and administrators


pray for teachers

Back to School: How to Pray for Our Kids


pray for teachers

HELP US OUT: What would you add that you’ll pray for your kids and their teachers?

Comment below!

Thanks to Steven Helmick, a principal of a school of over 1000 and an educator among the top eight Arkansas’ 2014 teachers of the year, for lending his expertise to this list. read more

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