because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Month: January 2022

Struggling with Faith? You’re in Good Company.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

struggling with faith

It was a conversation in my cubicle more than a decade ago, but my friend’s words remain seared in my mind: “You know, I think God loves strugglers.”

You know? I see it. read more

3 Simple, Un-weird Ways to Start Spiritual Conversations

Reading Time: 4 minutes

spiritual conversations

If you’ve followed this blog for awhile, you know I taught refugees for a handful of years, many of them Muslim–people and a task I adored.

I was surprised to learn a difference between the Bible and the Qur’an: The Qur’an isn’t a narrative, like much of the Bible is. (The Qur’an is laid out more like Psalms or Proverbs.)  read more

Parenting Podcasts and Articles: A Few of the Latest

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This week I had one of those shining parenting moments. I caught one of my kids deliberately subverting a punishment.

This kid didn’t lie about what he was doing, which in light of the past, felt like a win. He also seemed to sincerely apologize. I told him I would think about the consequence and get back to him, and we’d talk some more.

And two hours later, he did the same thing, people. #parentingforthewin read more

Where’s God Working in My Kids in 2022? 10 Questions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

kids in 2022

Okay, yes, I am this big Enneagram 2, and I am frequently caught “two-ing” in my family—overfunctioning like a crazy person, sublimating any needs of my own, etc.

But I also have this monstrous, flapping-larger-than-my-triceps 3-wing. Which means, for all of you unfamiliar with enneagram-speak, that I am an achiever.  Goal-setting can fill my sails (…to the point of what we’ll call “Christian workaholism”). read more


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