because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: Discussion Questions (page 4 of 4)

6 ways to take your relationships deeper in 2016, Part II

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Click here for Part I!

  1. Tell the whole truth. Vulnerability takes so much security—first, in our vertical relationship with God. I find a direct correlation between my ability to be transparent with other people and my own humility. Honestly, I used to wait for others to pursue me as a display of their concern for me—and sometimes still do. But I need to acknowledge my own need for others to shoulder what I’m carrying (Galatians 6:1); that it’s not good for me to be alone (Genesis 2:18); that I can’t say, “I don’t need you!” to people of my choosing (1 Corinthians 12:21).  Now, Jesus had his own concentric circles of friendship–his intimate three, then twelve disciples, then 72, then the crowds. I’m not saying we trust anyone with our most intimate, painful areas. But friendship is rewarding proportional to the courage and intimacy we’re willing to extend; and the bar that Jesus set–love one another as I have loved you–is one that will take the rest of my life to pursue.

Guest post: [Talking about] Sex begins in the Kitchen

Reading Time: < 1 minute

It was a painful conversation with a dear friend that brought stunning clarity to the necessity of the conversations we have with our kids.

…Or the potential consequences if we don’t.

I’m contributing on again today: [Talking about] Sex begins in the Kitchen. Hop on over and check it out!

Interview-Your-Child Fridays, #4

Reading Time: < 1 minute

7.If you could go to any time in history, where and when would you go?

Interview-your-child Fridays, #3

Reading Time: < 1 minute

interview your child fridays

Interview-your-child Fridays, #2

Reading Time: < 1 minute

interview your child fridays

Click here for post #1 and the thoughts behind this series.

  1. What are some of your favorite ways to relax?
  2. What activities do you most enjoy doing with your dad/your mom and I? (Feel free to alter for your guardianship/parent situation.)
  3. What was the highlight of your week this week?
  4. What was the “low” light?
  5. What’s one way you feel like I’m not really “hearing” you—like you wish I could listen more?
  6. If you could visit any places in the world, where would you like to visit?
  7. Who would you say are some of your closest friends right now?
  8. If you could create an incredible flavor of ice cream, what would it be?
  9. What’s one thing you really like about yourself?
  10. What’s one of your favorite family memories?

Questions to Better Understand Your Family’s Subculture, #37-48

Reading Time: 3 minutes

questions to understand subculture

Author’s note to newcomers: Our family of origin—or the culture in our own homes—has a considerable impact on our work, our rest, the lens through which we interpret relationships, our kids, our conversation, our spirituality, even our sex life (betcha didn’t think you’d find them in there!).

Plus, I just think it’s plain interesting to understand where we came from—as someone who lives in a different culture that’s helped me better understand my own. It’s helped me be more gracious, more wise, more self-knowledgeable (which helps me be more aware in my relationship with God), and hopefully more holy. read more

Questions to Better Understand Your Family’s Subculture, #25-36

Reading Time: 3 minutes

questions to understand subcultureAuthor’s note to newcomers: Our family of origin—or the culture in our own homes—has a considerable impact on our work, our rest, the lens through which we interpret relationships, our kids, our conversation, our spirituality, even our sex life (betcha didn’t think you’d find them in there!).

Plus, I just think it’s plain interesting to understand where we came from—as someone who lives in a different culture that’s helped me better understand my own. It’s helped me be more gracious, more wise, more self-knowledgeable (which helps me be more aware in my relationship with God), and hopefully more holy.

Remember when using these to imagine tacking on the end of every question, Why? and How did this affect you and/or your family? read more

Questions to Better Understand Your Family’s Subculture, #13-24

Reading Time: 4 minutes

FAMILY IN UGANDA COMPRESSEDAuthor’s note to newcomers: Our family of origin—or the culture in our own homes—has a considerable impact on our work, our rest, the lens through which we interpret relationships, our kids, our conversation, our spirituality, even our sex life (betcha didn’t think you’d find them in there!).

Plus, I just think it’s plain interesting to understand where we came from—as someone who lives in a different culture that’s helped me better understand my own. It’s helped me be more gracious, more wise, more self-knowledgeable (which helps me be more aware in my relationship with God), and hopefully more holy.

Remember when using these to imagine tacking on the end of every question, Why? and How did this affect you and/or your family? read more

Questions to Better Understand your Family’s Subculture: #1-12

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Dad and Mom with Corinne“Honey, I don’t know how to tell you this, but—I’m not your dad.”

Well. True.

And yet–that was my husband to me, a few months ago. For the record, it’s been 15 years this week (woot!) since we cooed “I do.” But it seems I was still giving him reason to remind me who I married. And who I didn’t. read more

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