because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: emotion (page 3 of 10)

Guest post: Why Do We Love “This is Us?”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Am I the only one who admits to slyly checking to know when This is Us would restart after the summer? I keep waiting for an episode that won’t bring tears to my eyes, dagnabbit. Completely, 100% sucked in.

I’m a Christian. Not all of any show’s values will align with mine. All of life doesn’t align with my values. So there’s that. But honestly, I’m not easily hooked by TV shows. As a writer, I’m always analyzing: What’s the animal magnetism of this show? What’s timeless here? Why can’t we swivel our heads away from the Pearson family? Why do we love this messy (though typically non-crass) brood that could be any one of us?

Could it be there’s more here than some modern soap opera? What if there’s something of what we’re all gunning for? read more

Afraid in the Dark: Observations from the Dead of Night

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do mothers have a sixth sense? I don’t know. I remember padding into my parents’ bedroom in the wee hours, and no matter how softly I laid my feet on the carpet or tried not to breathe–it turning into a challenge at some point–my mom would gasp awake. Everything okay?

Maybe she passed it on to me. A couple of nights ago, my eyes opened with a deep breath. I listened to the silence of a house asleep, the sounds of my sons breathing in the next room. And then, the sheets moving. Was my son groaning? I don’t remember.

It was a baby tooth of his, the one I’d haul him to the dentist for the next day. “I can’t get comfortable,” my son sleep-garbled. I offered him pain reliever, lay down beside him with my hand on his back, on those new muscles from school sports. (He used to fit inside my body.) He tossed some more, breathed deeply, then regularly. read more

Should I let my kid quit? Questions to ask

Reading Time: 6 minutes

A couple of weeks ago, I was stuffing paper bags with sandwiches, flipping pancakes, signing permission slips, smelling breath to confirm teeth brushing, etc.–all your average morning chaos. That’s when my middle child told me he was quitting football.

Imagine the activity in my kitchen suddenly lurching to a halt. “What? Why?”

He had some good reasons. And a few not-great, 12-year-old ones. It was one of those weird parenting situations where you wish there was a highly detailed playbook. What to do when your kid wants to quit football and he’s been in it for a month and isn’t getting to play and… I told him to go to practice, and we’d talk about it on the weekend. read more

What Makes You Happy? 15 Ideas for a More Blissful & Thankful Day (Right Now)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A friend told me recently of a trip he and his wife to Hawaii took several years back. After dropping his wife at the terminal for the flight home, he was the only person on the rental car shuttle. He recalled the shuttle driver’s words: “I think I need to go on vacation.” My friend laughed when he told me this. Where do you go on vacation when you live in Hawaii?

Having friends who used to live in Kauai, I know that wherever you live, life is never all bliss. In fact, one side of my house looks over a little cabin serving as a VRBO (Vacation Rental by Owner) year-round. And God seems to use it to tap me on the shoulder: Just a reminder. You live in a place where a lot of people go on vacation.  read more

On Parenting, and Other Miracles We Wait On

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There was still snow regularly fluffing up the ground when I pulled out my seed starter this past winter. I enlisted my kids to extract seeds from little packages with technicolor images, and I was a little giddy with the vivid pictures in my head of a blooming porch and deck. For more than a month, my little sunroom was overtaken by pots, sitting there like kids waiting for summer vacation.

But then, I traveled for nearly a month, leaving my kids to maintain watering. Oh. And then there was a drought, to the point that the wooden Smoky the Bear stationed next to the highway held a sign reading the fire danger was “extreme” (and indeed, resulted in at least three area forest fires). In no shortage of irony or demise to my ailing plants, last week brought five afternoons of hail, plus area flooding that shut down the main highway. I was dumping water from the peonies I’d purchased, their two limp, torn leaves a far cry from the pink globes in my head.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Of all the vibrancy of being in another culture this week, one of my least favorite is the language barrier. It’s as if I’m constantly stopping myself from asking the questions I want to know of people–from relating.

The late neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi, in his bestselling When Breath Becomes Air, writes of the two areas of speech in the brain: read more

Freebie Fridays: 11 Ideas for More Emotionally-whole and -healthy Parenting [INFOGRAPHIC]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In keeping with my recent infatuation with infographics, today’s post is an attempt to visually portray the thoughts in this popular post, 11 Ideas for More Emotionally-whole and Healthy Parenting (which in turn can give you more complete ideas).

Print it FREE here! And if you like it, I’d love it if you shared it so more people can have access to these ideas.

Here’s to a more “wholehearted ” week at your house. read more

“It’s Around Here Somewhere”: On Looking for Joy–and Fighting to See

Reading Time: 4 minutes

fight to see joy

Blogging about your personal life can be a little weird.

See, I’m hovering around the six-month mark of our move back to the U.S. from Africa. And when I’m truthful, this last month in particular has been a low point I haven’t hit in a long time. I wonder sometimes about what’s appropriate to share. I believe it’s Brene Brown who says she thinks it’s okay to be vulnerable on a larger scale if first she’s been vulnerable with those close to her. Yet there was also a point  last year where I was like, All of this cyber-honesty is making my blog a real downer. All I need is a few posts about puppy mills and cancer and we’ll be all set! read more

Self-deprecation–and other “stupid” thoughts

Reading Time: 4 minutes

self-deprecation and other "stupid" thoughtsMy friend gazed at me through FaceTime, a kind smile on her face. “I just want to let you know that I just counted you saying the word ‘stupid’ six times when talking about yourself.”


She grinned. “I’m telling you this for your sanctification.” A little church-girl humor there. I thanked her. read more

Off-Season: When You’re Not Where You Wanted to Be, When You Wanted to Be There, Part III

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Her: So what do you do for a living?

Me: Oh. I’m a freelance writer. read more

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