because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: infographics (page 2 of 3)

Safe Cooking with Kids: Printable Infographic!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

cooking with kidsA couple of weeks ago, my son and I attempted homemade ravioli. I say attempted not because they didn’t taste good. (They tasted great!) I say this because in the midst of chaos–some foreseen, some not-so-much–we didn’t really seal the little ravioli pillows correctly. So ricotta leaked out into the water. Never fear: Every single one of the little guys was still eaten up, and since perfect ravioli wasn’t the goal, I’d consider it a smashing (smashed?) success.

I’ve been pulling kids up on the counter next to me (and sometimes sitting them in the bowl of the sink) for a little over a decade now. Initially, it was a strategy of containment. If I am cooking, I know where you and your fast little feet are, and what those little hands are dumping. But cooking has been a way that my kids and I create rich quality time together.

Near the end of the day, we are creating something nourishing together, learning a life skill, chatting about whatever, laughing, and sealing the memories with taste and sound and sight and  smell and touch. Somehow the mundane, to me, seems to take on a little magic. read more

7 Life Skills for Kids–and FUN Ways to Teach Them (Infographic)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

For a year in Uganda, I taught a class at a local institution for early childhood education teachers. I’d haul in boxes of file folder games and bottle caps and flour for us to make playdough together. I’d bring along one of my kids to show them how the games worked, and we’d split up into “centers” for them to try out games involving clothespins and string and painting with water on cement. I wanted them to feel and smell and hear and taste how fun it could be to teach kids early math skills; to know how to read. In a country where it was still acceptable to cane children in the classroom, I wanted to show them that by getting kids excited about learning–rather than shamed–teachers cut their work in half. Why?

In teaching that class, I uncovered a core philosophy of mine. If kids can “catch the bug” for a subject when they’re young—having fun and being engaged—they’ll be self-driven to learn and experience that topic for the rest of their lives. 

(That’s the philosophy that informs the whole Spiritual Disciplines for Real Families series on this site.) read more

Just My Type: Enneagram Compatibility (INFOGRAPHIC)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I first took the enneagram about a year ago when my family mentioned it. (Yes, my whole family talks about this kind of stuff. If you’re into a sports team or politics, we might not be able to help you out).

With a husband who’s a Human Resources exec, you can bet I’ve taken my share of personality tests. (I’ve even tried to outwit some of them?)

Personally, the enneagram has brought me more self-knowledge–knowledge that actually helped me truly change–than any of the others. I even keep basic profiles on my Kindle. (Yeah. I’m one of those.) With 207 subtypes, I’ve found it to be fairly accurate for me, which hasn’t always been the case with other profiles. read more

What We Miss: Paying Attention to the God around You (FREE INFOGRAPHIC)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

attention birthday

Tomorrow, another one of my kids turns 13. (Golly, I am getting old.) I’ll let you in on a little secret. One of his friend’s moms and I decided to share planning a small party for both of our sons together–because it turns out neither of us likes planning parties.

Birthdays seem to require a sudden push of adrenaline, past the normal working-mom-with-four-kids schedule. (It is no doubt a sign of my lack of margin.) So far, I don’t know that my kids have had a birthday that didn’t feel special. (Gosh, I hope not.) But days before, I’m always like, Shoot. I really need to do something! read more

Best Posts of 2018!

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Blogging can be a little too much like having an imaginary friend.

Picture sitting at the smallest table at your coffee shop. (I’m having a seasonal special with half of the pumps, decaf. …Because as someone told me, with natural enthusiasm like mine, I should remain uncaffeinated. You?) read more

Why We Can’t Afford to Leave Helping the Poor Up to That Committee [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hypothetical question. Let’s say someone asked you to help an impoverished family this holiday season. Who would you help first?

Maybe this feels a little tricky.

Maybe like me, your house isn’t really all that close to people who need help. read more

How to Fix Yourself in God’s Presence: Thoughts from a Dead Monk

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Those of you who are married: Remember that moment where you piled all those fluffy white layers into the car with tin cans clanking on the back? Or maybe you loosened your tie and pressed on the gas with those rented shoes, rose petals or rice or birdseed flying off the back.

There was something about finally closing the door, muting the noise, and looking at each other: Finally. After all of that craziness, we are married.

It was a little weird. Like, is that it? Stood up at the church, shook a bunch of hands at the reception, and now…my identity is different? read more

INFOGRAPHIC: Ideas to Take Back Your Sabbath

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.

Mindset of the man too busy: I am too busy being God to become like God.

Mark Buchanan, The Holy Wild: Trusting in the Character of God read more

Friday Fridge Art: Great Verses for Families (Ephesians 4:29, Romans 12:1-2)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Switching out what’s on my fridge is a lazy easy way to continue to help my kids meditate on Scripture without even knowing it.  And let’s face it; I feel really dumb when I refer to the “4:29 Rule” when my kids’ mouths need some work, and they look at me like they have no idea what I’m talking about (see poster #1).  Here’s to Friday for all of us who could use a low-ball.

Printable Infographic: 9 Ways to Pray for Kids in School!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Want to pray for teachers and administrators, too? Grab that printable here.

I’ve probably written before about my dad sending my sisters and I off to the bus on so many mornings, in that flurry most of us with school-bound children know well. Lunches! Instrument! Mom, you didn’t put that in my lunch, did you? Permission slip! Did you finish that homework? Who’s picking me up from practice? Yes, you have to wear a coat; this is not optional.  He’d surround us in his big farmer-arms or put those sausage-like fingers on our shoulders. “Go MAD!” He’d say. My dad finds little shame in the corny, so that was Dad-code for “Go make a difference.”

Now I’m the one pecking heads while they run out the door, my fingers reaching (when not scrambling for the lunch and permission slips) for those shoulders that grow just a little more every year. I’m sending them on a mission, really.

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