because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: spiritual life skills/spiritual disciplines (page 3 of 6)

Spiritual Life Skills for Kids: Celebration! (FREE PRINTABLE)

Reading Time: 7 minutes

celebrate celebration baptism

celebrate celebration baptism

This past Sunday was a beautiful moment for our little family: My husband baptized my two youngest children. read more

All There: Tips on Being Fully, Powerfully Present…with God (FREE PRINTABLE)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

all there present presenceYou’ve been there: Whirling into a coffee shop or dinner with friends. Or talking on the phone while your kids fight in the other room (#methisweek) and you try to remember whether you’ve added salt to the recipe you’re cooking, dang it.

But somehow, the person looking you in the eyes, or on the other end of that phone call has the ability to just…

Be there. read more

What We Miss: Paying Attention to the God around You (FREE INFOGRAPHIC)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

attention birthday

Tomorrow, another one of my kids turns 13. (Golly, I am getting old.) I’ll let you in on a little secret. One of his friend’s moms and I decided to share planning a small party for both of our sons together–because it turns out neither of us likes planning parties.

Birthdays seem to require a sudden push of adrenaline, past the normal working-mom-with-four-kids schedule. (It is no doubt a sign of my lack of margin.) So far, I don’t know that my kids have had a birthday that didn’t feel special. (Gosh, I hope not.) But days before, I’m always like, Shoot. I really need to do something! read more

Denial, What Lies Beneath, and Why it Matters to You

Reading Time: 5 minutes

denial medicine diagnosis

So I should probably tell you that generally (weirdly?) I do not go to the doctor when sick. I’ve taken kids for ear infections and all that, and certainly that time when my son’s staph infection on his jaw made him resemble Jay Leno (also weirdly. And yes, I remember writing about the importance of getting your kids’ behavioral diagnosis.

But still.) read more

Resource Review: The Beginner’s Bible (FREE GIVEAWAY!)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Beginner's BibleIn my last resource review, I mentioned my oldest was three when he memorized the story of David and Goliath. And it was from this Bible. The mental image of him in his toddler bed jutting out from the corner, the blond ringlets you could stick your finger through, the PJ’s that read “I heart Dad” with the matching striped pants.

“I am not afraid to fight the giant,” said David. King Saul called for David and told him, “You cannot fight the giant. You are too young.”

David replied, “God will be with me.” read more

How Far You’ve Come: 20+ End-of-Year Prompts to Journal & Reflect

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we waltz into December, it’s meaningful to me to look back on this year and ask my soul a few questions. How you doing in there?

David Benner, in The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery, writes,

Christian spirituality involves a transformation of the self that occurs only when God and self are both deeply known. Both, therefore, have an important place in Christian spirituality. There is no deep knowing of God without a deep knowing of self, and no deep knowing of self without a deep knowing of God. John Calvin wrote, “Nearly the whole of sacred doctrine consists in these two parts: knowledge of God and of ourselves.” read more

Resource Review: The Brick Builder’s Illustrated Bible (FREE GIVEAWAY!)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Some of the times I’ve felt most connected with my kids–since they were very, very small–have been enjoying books together. Grant it, this was often right before naptime. So there could have been good vibes all around. But there was something about their warm heads smelling of baby shampoo…and boy sweat. My kids sweat a lot. Maybe it’s because they were so rowdy that I loved this time when we were at last not moving or wiggling as much. My daughter was the only one who was much of a cuddler, so finally, we were feeling connected. At one point I calculated we were reading about 45 minutes a day.

And I know I’m not the only mom amazed by the steel trap that is a child’s mind. Before my son could read, he could “read” me, pretty much verbatim, the story of David and Goliath we’d read over. And over. And over in his children’s Bible.

That’s the thing about reading together, right? Reading, in its own way, catechizes our kids. We’re connecting building their brains and their character with a relationship. Over and over, we’re lining their minds with thoughts that form worldviews.

How to Fix Yourself in God’s Presence: Thoughts from a Dead Monk

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Those of you who are married: Remember that moment where you piled all those fluffy white layers into the car with tin cans clanking on the back? Or maybe you loosened your tie and pressed on the gas with those rented shoes, rose petals or rice or birdseed flying off the back.

There was something about finally closing the door, muting the noise, and looking at each other: Finally. After all of that craziness, we are married.

It was a little weird. Like, is that it? Stood up at the church, shook a bunch of hands at the reception, and now…my identity is different? read more

Planned Powerlessness: Thoughts on Rest & Regularly-Scheduled Weakness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

While I was on vacation, my parents were in an accident.

I don’t know where I was, what I was doing. But before seven one chilly Iowa morning, two deer collided with their Chevy–one over the hood, one beneath the car. My grandmother, traveling a safe distance behind them in her own car, slammed into them when my dad hit his brakes. Airbags billowed to life everywhere. Both vehicles were totaled.

I probably don’t need to tell you how relieved that of the three of these dear people, all walked away completely unscathed—not even sore the next day. I am thankful for insurance companies and rental cars and wise engineers (go, airbags!) and the helpers God places around us when bad things inevitably happen on this mortal coil. read more

INFOGRAPHIC: Ideas to Take Back Your Sabbath

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.

Mindset of the man too busy: I am too busy being God to become like God.

Mark Buchanan, The Holy Wild: Trusting in the Character of God read more

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