because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: time alone with God (page 3 of 7)

What We Miss: Paying Attention to the God around You (FREE INFOGRAPHIC)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

attention birthday

Tomorrow, another one of my kids turns 13. (Golly, I am getting old.) I’ll let you in on a little secret. One of his friend’s moms and I decided to share planning a small party for both of our sons together–because it turns out neither of us likes planning parties.

Birthdays seem to require a sudden push of adrenaline, past the normal working-mom-with-four-kids schedule. (It is no doubt a sign of my lack of margin.) So far, I don’t know that my kids have had a birthday that didn’t feel special. (Gosh, I hope not.) But days before, I’m always like, Shoot. I really need to do something! read more

Denial, What Lies Beneath, and Why it Matters to You

Reading Time: 5 minutes

denial medicine diagnosis

So I should probably tell you that generally (weirdly?) I do not go to the doctor when sick. I’ve taken kids for ear infections and all that, and certainly that time when my son’s staph infection on his jaw made him resemble Jay Leno (also weirdly. And yes, I remember writing about the importance of getting your kids’ behavioral diagnosis.

But still.) read more

How Far You’ve Come: 20+ End-of-Year Prompts to Journal & Reflect

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we waltz into December, it’s meaningful to me to look back on this year and ask my soul a few questions. How you doing in there?

David Benner, in The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery, writes,

Christian spirituality involves a transformation of the self that occurs only when God and self are both deeply known. Both, therefore, have an important place in Christian spirituality. There is no deep knowing of God without a deep knowing of self, and no deep knowing of self without a deep knowing of God. John Calvin wrote, “Nearly the whole of sacred doctrine consists in these two parts: knowledge of God and of ourselves.” read more

“Is it okay for me to hope in something other than God?”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Her road has been long.

A friend of mine has a husband whose cancer treatments were at last beginning to show signs of promise. read more

How to Fix Yourself in God’s Presence: Thoughts from a Dead Monk

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Those of you who are married: Remember that moment where you piled all those fluffy white layers into the car with tin cans clanking on the back? Or maybe you loosened your tie and pressed on the gas with those rented shoes, rose petals or rice or birdseed flying off the back.

There was something about finally closing the door, muting the noise, and looking at each other: Finally. After all of that craziness, we are married.

It was a little weird. Like, is that it? Stood up at the church, shook a bunch of hands at the reception, and now…my identity is different? read more

My God-of-the-Cloud: On the Unpackagable Mystery

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I was a freshman in college leaving for a road trip. The call must have been from my mom. I don’t remember. All I know is that my youth group’s intern from the summer before–coincidentally engaged to another intern–had been in a fatal car accident.

She’d been driving to try on her wedding dress. read more

When “Should” Gets in the Way

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Author’s note: This is another one of those posts (like most of mine?) that I write from the thick of it. As in, not from mastery. As in, I was dealing with this last night. Turns out I not only get the “shoulds” with myself; I get them with other people. As in my kids. 

My husband has probably said it more than ten times: “When you’re tired, you get the shoulds.”

I should call her. I need to write that note. I think we need to make a plan for disciplining [insert child]. I should be more diligent about… read more

Freebie Friday: Prayers for My Kids Printable Word Cloud

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s raining here. I’m curled up with a little leftover creativity and a computer as drops fall from the pines outside. So that means you’re getting this today: a free printable word cloud of ideas to pray for our kids. I think I’ll tape a copy inside my cupboard door or on the fridge; maybe glue one inside my journal. (There is something about prayer that reminds me of planting trees.)

A lot of these are based off this printable from back in the day: 31 Scriptures to Pray for Your Kids. (That’s the one beside my bed.)

Any parent knows a whole lot can happen really fast when you have kids. (Um. I once had a kid poop in the closet?) But when we’re taking just a few minutes to pray for them, think of what could go right…and how long it could last. read more

Caught Up in the Wonder: When You’re One Lucky Dog

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This week, my daughter turned 11. She was, of course, giddy about her birthday–something I don’t take for granted, since a lot of parents can’t afford to celebrate birthdays where we came from in Uganda.

And she’s so easy to celebrate: a keen mind, a generous heart. People tend to adore her. I have witnessed for years as she’s made friends with kids in poverty because they’re just kids to her; as she’s put out a donation cup for the pregnancy center at her lemonade stand.

So someday in the future, I can see my eyebrows arched over some guy garnished with peach fuzz who wants to take her out. I see myself thinking, You have no clue what you’re getting. You think she’s a pretty face and a great dancer. You may come back to take her out when you understand what a lucky dog you are. read more

10 Fun Ideas for Kids this Summer!

Reading Time: 4 minutes

kids summer ideasSo my kids are home for the summer after their first year in public school. Observations:

a. I’ve been looking forward to quality time with them. That said, if they fight like, one more time? I may be glancing at tickets for four children to, say, Abu Dhabi.

b. I am still working from home. So in contrast to what I wish summer looked like for moms, it’s more to the tune of “more bricks, less straw”. read more

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