because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: articles

Why Your Marriage Needs Sex (& other recent articles)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

needs sex

When my four kids were little and life resembled a 24-hour Bounty commercial, I read a statistic in Parents magazine that something like 78% of new moms, when choosing between sex and sleep, chose sleep.

Um. Duh. read more

Parenting Podcasts and Articles: A Few of the Latest

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This week I had one of those shining parenting moments. I caught one of my kids deliberately subverting a punishment.

This kid didn’t lie about what he was doing, which in light of the past, felt like a win. He also seemed to sincerely apologize. I told him I would think about the consequence and get back to him, and we’d talk some more.

And two hours later, he did the same thing, people. #parentingforthewin read more


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