because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: Bible (page 3 of 3)

Essential Social Skills for Kids (and Ideas to Teach Them), #5-7

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Essential Social Skills for Kids (and Ideas to Teach Them), #1-4

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Think of these social skills as little golden keys to the future for your kids: They can get your kids into a lot of places! Bummer is, they can shut some doors, too, when our kids don’t master them. (Disclaimer: Writing this post does not declare my children in mastery of said skills.)

Social skills are key because manners are a form of loving others well. They lubricate the potential friction of social interactions.

(Some of them I’ve broken down because of my own experience with my son’s ADHD, such as giving him “scripts” for social situations; see #1.  I won’t speak directly to special needs in this post. But some of these ideas might work to put tangible steps onto often intangible skills.)

Spiritual Disciplines for Real Families: 10 Simple Ways to Teach Solitude

Reading Time: 5 minutes

There’s a bit of irony in this post for me. Currently my family and I—yes, all four children—are residing at my in-laws’ during our stint in the States. I’m still schooling them during the day. Yes, that’s just about as “alone” as it sounds.

Some of you with kids wrapped around your kneecaps might be thinking, Solitude. I think this could be my favorite discipline yet.


A Body Good: Naked Truth about Body Image

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the sadder effects of my time back in the United States is my subtle and instantaneous body-consciousness. (This is not a cultural diatribe; I’ve got body issues.) Unpacking my jeans in the cheap hotel we checked into after flying in, I remarked to my husband, “Why is it that I just feel like I’ve gained 25 pounds?”

He shrugged. “Maybe because it’s so easy to gain 25 pounds while we’re here?”

Later I realized—nope. It’s because instantly—I must sheepishly admit image rises in priority in my mind. Yes, I am inundated with marketing, much containing women both airbrushed and well-paid to look both stunning and underweight. But, as I was recently reminded by my sister’s post, even the time to focus on image, or to work out, is a sign of all the excess I enjoy. Which means that in Africa, I have been fasting a bit from this fixation on modern instruction in beauty. It also means that the geometric shapes of my body are a little more appreciated.

31 Anything-but-Vanilla Methods to Bring Fresh Flavor to Times with God

Reading Time: 6 minutes


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