because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: compassion (page 3 of 3)

Your opportunity…vs. your call

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’ve written about my overcommitment before, and the true cost to my family. But it’s challenging when it’s not a bunch of nonessentials munching at the white space on my calendar. It’s people. People with needs; pain; longings; hope.

And it was then that words from a friend drove themselves home, settling in my chest: The need does not always constitute the call.

For the days when helping hurts [you]

Reading Time: 4 minutes

helping hurts

At first, I thought she cheated my son.

But when, yielding to my call, she trudged back up the steep grade of our hill, my frustration softened. Her wide black eyes slid up to mine, her forehead glimmering in sweat. Her faded, two-sizes-too-large men’s T-shirt was pocked with holes. She must have been walking nearly the entirety of the morning in those foam shower slippers with the toes long gone and sizeable gaps in their soles. She was thirteen, though looked all of eleven.

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