because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: connect

Why Your Marriage Needs Sex (& other recent articles)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

needs sex

When my four kids were little and life resembled a 24-hour Bounty commercial, I read a statistic in Parents magazine that something like 78% of new moms, when choosing between sex and sleep, chose sleep.

Um. Duh. read more

So You’re Bored in Quarantine: 6 Ideas

Reading Time: 5 minutes

bored in quarantine

So for a lot of the world, boredom is real. I read in a meme that pandas can eat 13 hours a day…hence calling this a “pandemic.” Need a couple of fresh ideas while you’re bored in quarantine?

Jigsaw puzzles that get you talking.

Try these jigsaw puzzles from White Mountain with icons from the 80’s and the 90’s–serious conversation starters. (“Dad, who was Michael Jackson?”) read more

Homeschooling: 50 Ideas for Pre-K thru 1st Grade

Reading Time: 6 minutes

homeschoolingSo like it or not, we’re all homeschooling now, right?

I personally was World’s Most Reluctant Homeschooler…until surprisingly, I ended up loving it. I even learned some things about my own strengths and passions I wouldn’t have known.  (My kids eventually transferred with relative smoothness to public school.)

That very well may not be you. You might just be looking for ideas so your child, the walls, and the permanent markers stay socially distanced. read more

10 Fun Ideas for Kids this Summer!

Reading Time: 4 minutes

kids summer ideasSo my kids are home for the summer after their first year in public school. Observations:

a. I’ve been looking forward to quality time with them. That said, if they fight like, one more time? I may be glancing at tickets for four children to, say, Abu Dhabi.

b. I am still working from home. So in contrast to what I wish summer looked like for moms, it’s more to the tune of “more bricks, less straw”. read more


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