because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: darkness

“Is This Really Where I’m Supposed to Be?”

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Something beautiful happened in my family last weekend.

This is me, in San Diego, with my husband–and my oldest son, who has your back. He is one of the United States’ newest marines. read more

5 Quarantine Gifts We Don’t Want to Lose

Reading Time: 4 minutes

quarantine gifts

Here in Colorado, our shelter-in-place ends in a matter of days, yielding to reduced prevention measures. As we celebrate a homebound birthday of my most extroverted child today, I’m reminded how tough these weeks have been for him–resulting in some signs of stress. He opened his quarantine gifts sent by Grandma and Grandpa, and we’ve got a cookout, and all-family games of hide-and-seek and kickball on the docket.

I think, too, of my friend waiting to finally grieve her husband’s passing in community.  I long for worship services in person. For fear to subside. read more

Wanted: Friends Who Know Darkness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Recently I went to a friend’s house on a dark day. (Even now, it is hard to type this. I might be crying a little.)

I’d been hanging out with her and her two-year-old son, Henry, every couple of weeks or so as they got their feet back under them after his chemo. Which happened after his brain tumor. Which happened after a life-threatening bacterial infection. Which happened after he was born prematurely. I’d arrived from Africa a little late to the scene, when they’d gotten the happy MRI’s with a healthy brain.

Until. read more


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