because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: deconstructing

When Your Child is Deconstructing Faith

Reading Time: 6 minutes

child deconstructing faith

My daughter was highlighting my hair (yes, from a box. Yes, to cover the gray that’s laying siege to my scalp) when she told me about a friend who’s not sure if she identifies herself as a Christian anymore.

As when I hear about anyone who’s deconstructing faith, my chest tightened at the sternum. It’s painful for the person, and it’s painful for those who love them. read more

Code Adam: When you’re waiting for someone to come back to Jesus

Reading Time: 4 minutes

He must have been two when it happened: back when his cheeks still looked like he was storing up nuts for winter. (Now, at 16, he just eats like he’s storing up for winter.)

The store’s fluorescent lights buzzed above, and the air conditioning was running full-blast there in the South. read more


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