because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: intimacy (page 3 of 3)

12 Ideas to Bring Back that Lovin’ Feeling, Part II

Reading Time: 2 minutes

lovin feeling textMissed Part I? Get it here.

6. Own up. Paul himself notes in 1 Corinthians that though his conscience is clear, that doesn’t make him innocent. You’ve heard the 1% rule: Even if you’re only responsible for 1% of a conflict, you’re still 100% responsible for your 1%.Take time to pray through what you’re contributing to the rift. What’s the “log” in your eye? Are you forgiving your spouse, or developing even a hint of bitterness and resentment? Are you oversensitive, critical, or even apathetic? We always underestimate the impact our junk has on other people. Consider the pleading of Psalm 139:23-24: Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

I wish I could FaceTime God

Reading Time: 3 minutes

facetime god

This slightly edited post of mine is gratefully reprinted with permission from another site for which I write,

I wish I could FaceTime God.

Over here in twenty-first-century Africa, as long as my power is existent and my internet is not having a grumpy day, I am still able to “phone home.”

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