because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: movies

So You’re Bored in Quarantine: 6 Ideas

Reading Time: 5 minutes

bored in quarantine

So for a lot of the world, boredom is real. I read in a meme that pandas can eat 13 hours a day…hence calling this a “pandemic.” Need a couple of fresh ideas while you’re bored in quarantine?

Jigsaw puzzles that get you talking.

Try these jigsaw puzzles from White Mountain with icons from the 80’s and the 90’s–serious conversation starters. (“Dad, who was Michael Jackson?”) read more

Guest Post: Guiding Kids through Media Choices

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Okay, one of my least favorite job descriptions of motherhood: Media Nazi. ‘M I the only one who feels like I’m constantly saying “nope”?

Because see, I want more than “Mom said no. Again” for my kids’ worldview. When they get to college, I’m certainly not going to be harping over their shoulders. (At least I really hope not.) Plus, they’re about 100% more likely to have buy-in if they’re the ones making the [hopefully right] decision. read more


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