because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: resilient

On Doing Hard Things for Our Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes

doing hard things

A few weeks ago, I needed to take my son in to have a couple of teeth extracted.

Can I just say this is not my favorite mom-job? read more

[Stuck at] Home for Christmas? 15 Ideas for a Little More Jolly

Reading Time: 2 minutes

home for Christmas

Since 2020 is on its way out, it apparently needed to swipe one more holiday. Go big or go home, right? Or just stay home. Alllll year. “Home for Christmas” may not have the same ring when you’ve been home for Easter, home for Thanksgiving, home for everything!

But in all honesty, though I sorely miss our extended family, I continue to find a lot of hidden gifts in a year with overt,  sadness and fear. read more

Resilient Kids: How COVID Can Help Us Build Them

Reading Time: 6 minutes

resilient kids

As we all prep for school-or-not, ’tis the season for Death by Appointment. The last few weeks have carted my kids to the dentist, the doctor, the counselor, the orthodonist, back to the dentist and doctor (four times, at least), and finally, the endodontist. I am now old enough to have a child who needs his wisdom teeth out.

As God continues to nudge me to not do for my kids what they can/should do for themselves, I had my 16-year-old fill out his own paperwork. But y’know, he’s the kind of kid that takes his own spin off, say, the boxes asking, “Are you pregnant?” read more


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