because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: This is Us

Preparing Your Kids For the Day You Can’t See Coming

Reading Time: 4 minutes

preparing your kids

One (just one) of the problems with writing a parenting book is the whisper spitting in my ear sometimes as I parent my oh-so-real-life teens. Like the one who yelled at me across the lawn this morning. (See? I’m wondering if I should have let you know that.)

Enter the Whisper: And you wrote a parenting book? read more

Love, Disappointed: How We’re Misled by Love Languages

Reading Time: 4 minutes

So you already know I’m into This is Usat least we’ve got that out of the way. (Still waiting for an episode that doesn’t make me blink away tears. Good grief. I am such a sap.)

But there were two moments I resonated with in the last episode–which, if you’re a parent of a teenager, or a child in general, will likely echo with you even if you have no idea what I’m talking about.

Twice, an adult character was talking with a teen close to them. And they were each shut down with finality. Both of the adult characters, disappointment etched on their faces, simply had to absorb their rejection.

Guest post: Why Do We Love “This is Us?”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Am I the only one who admits to slyly checking to know when This is Us would restart after the summer? I keep waiting for an episode that won’t bring tears to my eyes, dagnabbit. Completely, 100% sucked in.

I’m a Christian. Not all of any show’s values will align with mine. All of life doesn’t align with my values. So there’s that. But honestly, I’m not easily hooked by TV shows. As a writer, I’m always analyzing: What’s the animal magnetism of this show? What’s timeless here? Why can’t we swivel our heads away from the Pearson family? Why do we love this messy (though typically non-crass) brood that could be any one of us?

Could it be there’s more here than some modern soap opera? What if there’s something of what we’re all gunning for? read more


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