Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s raining here. I’m curled up with a little leftover creativity and a computer as drops fall from the pines outside. So that means you’re getting this today: a free printable word cloud of ideas to pray for our kids. I think I’ll tape a copy inside my cupboard door or on the fridge; maybe glue one inside my journal. (There is something about prayer that reminds me of planting trees.)

A lot of these are based off this printable from back in the day: 31 Scriptures to Pray for Your Kids. (That’s the one beside my bed.)

Any parent knows a whole lot can happen really fast when you have kids. (Um. I once had a kid poop in the closet?) But when we’re taking just a few minutes to pray for them, think of what could go right…and how long it could last. read more