because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: Ideas (page 3 of 9)

When Anger’s Hot: Raising Self-Controlled Kids in Outrage Culture

Reading Time: 2 minutes

outrage letting off steam

I admit to being comfortably removed from a lot of social media’s ANGRY CAPITALIZATION and #%$^& words for longer than is normal.

An overseas cocoon, removed from a lot of news, swaddled me. It was a happy place where celebs were just famous people. Where yet to come was the U.S. 2016 election–when it would feel like the whole country was getting a nasty divorce. read more

“How can I get my husband to talk to me?” Tips for engaging the strong, silent type

Reading Time: 2 minutes

husband talk So my husband is a classic introvert, which may (rightly) make you wonder what it’s like being married to a person like yours truly.

He’s also a friendly introvert. His entire occupation is dedicated to taking care of people, and sometimes his entire day is full of meetings. With, y’know, people who talk.

That is to say, sometimes he arrives home with The Look on his face. read more

Spiritual Life Skills: 10 Ways to Teach Compassion (with book list!)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I don’t know about you, but back-to-school prep is real, folks.

Your kids are asking if they need shots (which makes you, in turn, ask if they need shots.) You’re buying 8-packs of dry erase markers, enough pencils to take the SAT every day for an entire year, and wondering if you could still repurpose that lunchbox with the barbecue sauce stain on it that looks like Ronald Reagan. read more

Do I let my kid veg out all summer?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

summerBack in high school, I took a crazy-cool trip with an organization, performing evangelistic street theater as we camped through Europe. It was unforgettable.

But I’m sure it was no easy feat. Our team consisted of 90 teenagers (not a typo). Tents were lined up with military precision, and meals were planned down to the number of boxes of macaroni and the packets of oatmeal.

In a similar spirit, free time wasn’t called free time, but “O Time”: Organized time. As in, be intentional. Don’t fritter it away. read more

The Tech-Wise Family: 13 Next Steps

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Anyone else feel like they’re constantly fighting the tide of tech in their homes?

No, I don’t want my kids to arrive at college like a bat out of you-know-where. I want them to know how to responsibly handle tech as a tool for growth and entertainment. But this also means my husband and I are constantly seeking to add to our wisdom about protecting them. read more

Spring Break Kids’ Activity: The Newlywed Game (FREE PRINTABLE)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

So some of you parents are thrilled that your kids are home. And some of you would like to be thrilled, you really would! You are definitely working on being thrilled.

Especially if they would go fight somewhere else? Or maybe pick up their cereal bowls. read more

7 Life Skills for Kids–and FUN Ways to Teach Them (Infographic)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

For a year in Uganda, I taught a class at a local institution for early childhood education teachers. I’d haul in boxes of file folder games and bottle caps and flour for us to make playdough together. I’d bring along one of my kids to show them how the games worked, and we’d split up into “centers” for them to try out games involving clothespins and string and painting with water on cement. I wanted them to feel and smell and hear and taste how fun it could be to teach kids early math skills; to know how to read. In a country where it was still acceptable to cane children in the classroom, I wanted to show them that by getting kids excited about learning–rather than shamed–teachers cut their work in half. Why?

In teaching that class, I uncovered a core philosophy of mine. If kids can “catch the bug” for a subject when they’re young—having fun and being engaged—they’ll be self-driven to learn and experience that topic for the rest of their lives. 

(That’s the philosophy that informs the whole Spiritual Disciplines for Real Families series on this site.) read more

16 More Fun, No-Screen Ideas to Occupy Kids on Christmas Break

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Missed the first list? Grab it here.

Note: You are not the cruise director/court jester/general fun planner for your home. There are great benefits to kids being bored– and there are even dangers to our kids having the expectation they will always be entertained.

My kids will have some extra chores over break (trust me; there will be extra mess), and it’s really important to me that they not think their world is about them.

But sometimes it’s great to have a few ideas up your sleeve to create memories, get creative, serve others (the first list has printable thank you notes, too!), and have meaningful quality time together, soaking up childhood. read more

INFOGRAPHIC: Ideas to Take Back Your Sabbath

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.

Mindset of the man too busy: I am too busy being God to become like God.

Mark Buchanan, The Holy Wild: Trusting in the Character of God read more

Makeup, Vulnerability, and 8 Simple Ideas for More Real Relationships

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Author’s note: If you missed these previous posts, you might grab them first for other overarching ideas on choosing vulnerability even when it’s hard–and being a safe place for others when they don’t have their act together.

My husband and I were headed out on a date night (can you hear the angel choirs singing? I needed it. As in, bad). It was admittedly last minute, to the point that my curly-turned-cotton-candy hair had been lassoed by a headband and fun-bun. But my kids would have food and it looked positive no one would burn anything down, so the big stuff was covered. Thus I sat in the passenger seat with my makeup bag, aka magic wand. I was just about through patting on concealer when my husband looked over at me. read more

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