because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: teachers/educators (page 1 of 2)

4 Easy, Fun Ways to Help Kids Give Thanks

Reading Time: 3 minutes

help kids give thanks

Question: Are you the fun parent?

I am not. read more

Back to School Prayers for Kids, Teachers, & Admin (PRINTABLE!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

12 ways to pray teachers

Though inevitably there’s so much excitement as everyone heads back to school, teachers and administrators I know are already strapping in for another hard year. We want, need, to pray for these key influencers in my kids’ lives.  I’ve seen teachers and admin–and the prayers for them–make a tangible difference. But they’re not the only ones navigating tough waters. How can we pray for our kids? (Aside from what’s below, check out this printable–a prayer from Scripture for each day of the month–and this word cloud, which can give you a lot of ideas when you don’t know how to pray). I’m hoping these back to school prayers are a great way to kick off loving on the teachers, administrators, and kids in our lives and cheering them on throughout the year. Please feel free to share or use in your small group or church if you find this useful.

12 Prayers for teachers and administrators


pray for teachers

Back to School: How to Pray for Our Kids


pray for teachers

HELP US OUT: What would you add that you’ll pray for your kids and their teachers?

Comment below!

Thanks to Steven Helmick, a principal of a school of over 1000 and an educator among the top eight Arkansas’ 2014 teachers of the year, for lending his expertise to this list. read more

Executive Functioning: Is it behind the Behavior Issues?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

executive functioning

When my son was seven, I’d ask him to clean his room.

Unfortunately, I could come in half an hour later and the place still looked like someone had turned the place upside down and shook it, then sprayed cheese-in-a-can on top. read more

Homeschooling: 50 Ideas for Pre-K thru 1st Grade

Reading Time: 6 minutes

homeschoolingSo like it or not, we’re all homeschooling now, right?

I personally was World’s Most Reluctant Homeschooler…until surprisingly, I ended up loving it. I even learned some things about my own strengths and passions I wouldn’t have known.  (My kids eventually transferred with relative smoothness to public school.)

That very well may not be you. You might just be looking for ideas so your child, the walls, and the permanent markers stay socially distanced. read more

Should I let my kid quit? Questions to ask

Reading Time: 6 minutes

A couple of weeks ago, I was stuffing paper bags with sandwiches, flipping pancakes, signing permission slips, smelling breath to confirm teeth brushing, etc.–all your average morning chaos. That’s when my middle child told me he was quitting football.

Imagine the activity in my kitchen suddenly lurching to a halt. “What? Why?”

He had some good reasons. And a few not-great, 12-year-old ones. It was one of those weird parenting situations where you wish there was a highly detailed playbook. What to do when your kid wants to quit football and he’s been in it for a month and isn’t getting to play and… I told him to go to practice, and we’d talk about it on the weekend. read more

Printable Infographic: 9 Ways to Pray for Kids in School!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Want to pray for teachers and administrators, too? Grab that printable here.

I’ve probably written before about my dad sending my sisters and I off to the bus on so many mornings, in that flurry most of us with school-bound children know well. Lunches! Instrument! Mom, you didn’t put that in my lunch, did you? Permission slip! Did you finish that homework? Who’s picking me up from practice? Yes, you have to wear a coat; this is not optional.  He’d surround us in his big farmer-arms or put those sausage-like fingers on our shoulders. “Go MAD!” He’d say. My dad finds little shame in the corny, so that was Dad-code for “Go make a difference.”

Now I’m the one pecking heads while they run out the door, my fingers reaching (when not scrambling for the lunch and permission slips) for those shoulders that grow just a little more every year. I’m sending them on a mission, really.

12 Prayers for Teachers and Administrators (FREE PRINTABLES)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

12 ways to pray teachers

So…I’m guilty of reposting this every year. Because even this morning as I left an absurdly quiet house to go on a jog, I realized I wanted, needed, to pray for these key influencers in my kids’ lives. And I’ve seen them make a tangible difference. (If you’re looking for prayers for your kids, check out this printable–a prayer from Scripture for each day of the month–and this word cloud, which can give you a lot of ideas when you don’t know how to pray).  I originally wrote these for teachers, but they’re just as relevant for the administrators who make so many key decisions in our schools. DOWNLOAD THIS LIST HERE FREE here as a pdf–great for small groups, personal use, parent prayer groups–or this format for church bulletin inserts. I’m hoping it’s a great way to kick off loving on the teachers in our lives and cheering them on throughout the year. Please feel free to share if you find this useful. -Janel


Pray that God will help them engage students in practical, exciting ways that help students become lifelong learners about His world in each subject.

12 Ways to Pray for Your Child’s Teachers (FREE printables!)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

12 ways to pray text

It’s happening. Tomorrow, I’m sending all four kids to school for the first time. Lunch box chaos, carpool lines, field trips extracurricular activities, homework, track and field day–these are all mine at the crack of dawn tomorrow. There’s some anxiety, some excitement. (And you should see the kids!) In celebration of the new school year–and since many of you are new to this blog –I’m reposting these specific prayers for these individuals who powerfully influence our kids, families, and communities day after day.  DOWNLOAD HERE FREE here as a pdf–great for small groups, personal use, parent prayer groups, or this format for church bulletin inserts. I’m hoping it’s a great way to kick off loving on the teachers in our lives and cheering them on throughout the year. Please share if you find this useful!   -Janel

Freebie Fridays: FREE Printable 28-day Self- or Small-Group Discipleship Guide in Basic English (Great for New English Speakers or Adult Literacy!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m tickled pink about today’s freebie. And I’d love your help in passing it on, pinning it, or sharing it with people who might use it.

After teaching refugees for three years, I had a wish list. I wanted a free, printable discipleship guide that could take students through basic concepts of Christianity. I wanted it to be useful for a single person or in small groups. I wanted discussion questions and verses to memorize. But as much as I love to play with words in my own writing–I needed something without complex idioms or words that would discourage or confuse an early English speaker. read more

Essential Social Skills for Kids (and Ideas to Teach Them), #5-7

Reading Time: 4 minutes
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