because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: pain (page 1 of 3)

Dealing With Your Parenting “If Only”s

Reading Time: 3 minutes

if only

Question. What’s the one thing you wish about your family that feels like it would make everything better? That finally, your parenting could really sing?

What’s your “if only”? read more

On Doing Hard Things for Our Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes

doing hard things

A few weeks ago, I needed to take my son in to have a couple of teeth extracted.

Can I just say this is not my favorite mom-job? read more

Suffering: “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four years ago, my husband and I squinted through snow flurries as we wound our way to Denver.

We were driving my 13-year-old to an MRI screening for cancer.

Lymphoma is a primary consideration, the radiologist had said, goading us toward the test that day. read more

When God Says “No” (for now): FREE printable

Reading Time: 2 minutes

when god says no

Dear readers–I’m pulling this one from the archives today for you…mostly because it was what I needed. -J.

Do you remember the first time you wondered if God really was good? read more

“Everyone thinks I’m okay”

Reading Time: 5 minutes

everyone thinks I'm okay

I sat with a friend recently, warming my hands over a fire pit as the nights here in Colorado begin to slide into fall. What she and her family have been through is nothing short of horrific, and it felt sacred to listen to her story in relative silence.

They’re on the other side of tragedy now–the side they weren’t sure they’d ever see. But because they made it through the trauma, she explained quietly, everyone thought they were okay now. read more

Muscle for Your Kids’ Miracles (…or Your Own)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I would say I have been praying for a miracle in one (or more) of my kids for a year now.

But, y’know, it’s probably one of those things where you think, spring feels like a small miracle sometimes. My kids hanging up their towels sometimes feels like a series of miracles. And hey, let’s not forget the miracles God’s doing in me (to the tune of, Wow, when that kid flipped his lid, I didn’t flip mine. Miracle.) read more

Walking with Kids through Church Hurt

Reading Time: 4 minutes

church hurt

This is one of those posts where I’m not an expert, just a mom. (Um, most of my posts?!)

But maybe these small ideas will help. And if I’m smart, I’ll keep this short, right? read more

On questions God doesn’t answer

Reading Time: 5 minutes

As an author and voracious devourer of fiction, I consistently get a kick out of the comedy Stranger than Fiction (2006), with Will Farrell and Emma Thompson.

Will Farrell’s character, IRS agent Harold Crick, begins to hear a narrator’s voice over his life–a narrator who has power to determine his circumstances. And who indicates he’s going to die.

Harold seeks a literature professor’s advice (Dustin Hoffman), who suggests he start to find his author by determining whether he’s in a comedy or a tragedy. read more

Grieving After Divorce: How to Help a Friend

Reading Time: 6 minutes

grieving after divorce

Genevieve’s voice poured through the phone to me. She’s a former pastor’s wife still wading through court proceedings following a horrific, jarring divorce. That’s not to mention the affair, the pregnant mistress, the mental disorders and gaslighting.  Her descriptions called to mind a life upturned, shaken violently, spilled. How do you help a friend grieving after divorce?

Some pieces of her former life had temporarily skittered beyond vision: Her ally in the world’s onslaught. Financial security. A co-parent and advocate for their boys. Her helper to pick up the kids or fix the washing machine. A calm presence after a nightmare. Someone to process the day with. A lover of her body. read more

When “Why” is your Biggest Hurdle with God

Reading Time: 5 minutes


I woke early on Easter morning. It was not the kind of, “Oh! I get, like, an hour more of sleep! I love this feeling!” But more, “Hey, there is absolutely no one else up! Listen. Hear that? It’s the sound of NOTHING. I think I will wake up and enjoy it.” This was before I knew the kids drank the last of the milk = no coffee for me.

Maybe because the light in our bedroom felt hopeful and springtime-ish–and because I wanted to make the most of this day–I thought of the light in the garden, that morning Jesus rose. Yes. I am totally #thatmom. read more

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