because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: present

Questions to Take Your Relationship With God Deeper

Reading Time: 2 minutes

relationship with God

This week on a phone conversation with a friend, she asked what’s become our custom at the end of our calls: What’s one intimate prayer request I can pray for?

It was probably telling that I didn’t really know. read more

Presence: Ideas to be All There with Your Kids

Reading Time: 4 minutes


When I first arrived back after living in Africa, it surprised me. I discovered it over lattes, or in the church foyer, or checking out at the grocery store.

I realized a lot of people were hungry, starved even, to be listened to. To have someone look them in the eye, even for a few seconds, and be with them. Undistracted. Agenda-free. Curious. Empathetic. read more

All There: Tips on Being Fully, Powerfully Present…with God (FREE PRINTABLE)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

all there present presenceYou’ve been there: Whirling into a coffee shop or dinner with friends. Or talking on the phone while your kids fight in the other room (#methisweek) and you try to remember whether you’ve added salt to the recipe you’re cooking, dang it.

But somehow, the person looking you in the eyes, or on the other end of that phone call has the ability to just…

Be there. read more

All There: Tips on Being Fully, Powerfully Present

Reading Time: 5 minutes

present presence being there

Ever get that feeling the person in front of you is there-but-not-there?

I’m totally guilty of this–those moments my kids are telling me something and they’re like, “Mom.” Because I’m too often multitasking–probably for their sakes, but still: not present in the moment they care about. read more


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