because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: enneagram

The False Self: Will the Real Me Please Stand Up?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

false self

When I first got married, it was not long after an intense “mean girls” period in my life.

You know, there are some hard ways to socially learn what not to do. Here are some of the lessons–of varying legitimacy–in which I had been viciously ardently instructed during this period of my life. (Maybe you can relate.) read more

Enneagram Compatibility: What if We Don’t Have It?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

enneagram compatibility

Y’know that feeling when you’re in one of the stressed, worst versions of yourself? That was me a weekend ago.

I had a million reasons. But as the sun sank on Sunday, it was obvious I was falling into classic unhealthy patterns of my personality type. read more

Christian Mindfulness: How It’s Changing Me

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Christian mindfulness

My father is the broad-shouldered, strong, internal teddy bear type, with fingers like sausages. In my childhood, he was a Midwestern farmer.  In his spare time, he donates his mad skills to car repairs of missionaries, single moms, people like that. He’s that kind of guy.

And it’s common for him to come back into the house with blood zigzagging down his leg or seeping through his shirt. read more

The Stressed Parent, & Your Brain on COVID-19

Reading Time: 6 minutes

COVID-19First week of COVID-19 closures: a week of strange dreams.

Once, I dreamt I was driving in the dark, but my headlights kept flipping off. I kept protesting that I could hit something.

Another night, I was unprepared for a trip to a writer’s conference I wasn’t sure why I’d signed up for–but my editor was there, anticipating I would have great things to say. I’d forgotten shoes, blouses, my computer charger. read more

2019 Best Posts of the Year!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

2019 best posts of year

Sitting with my daughter yesterday, she expressed she had a little fear for 2020. It’s a big year, she explained, with some personal stuff, plus elections and Olympics and what-not.

My first inclination–in light of how young she is, of course–was to brush away her fear. read more

What’s God Think of Strong Women?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Confession: Sometimes my own view of women hamstrings me.

Some of you are shocked, and maybe a little offended, I would ask this question because your inner answer is, Of course. read more

Just My Type: Enneagram Compatibility (INFOGRAPHIC)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I first took the enneagram about a year ago when my family mentioned it. (Yes, my whole family talks about this kind of stuff. If you’re into a sports team or politics, we might not be able to help you out).

With a husband who’s a Human Resources exec, you can bet I’ve taken my share of personality tests. (I’ve even tried to outwit some of them?)

Personally, the enneagram has brought me more self-knowledge–knowledge that actually helped me truly change–than any of the others. I even keep basic profiles on my Kindle. (Yeah. I’m one of those.) With 207 subtypes, I’ve found it to be fairly accurate for me, which hasn’t always been the case with other profiles. read more


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